Reference documents (click to download):

National Scouts BSA and Cub Scout Religious Awards

Please note that beginning Jan. 1, 2016 every rank from Wolf to Eagle includes a “Duty to God” requirement.

The Cub Scout requirement is to complete the religious emblem for their religious affiliation. For Catholic Cub Scouts this would mean completing the Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei emblem books with their families or guardians.

The Scouts BSA requirement is to “tell the Scoutmaster” at the Board of Review for each rank how he has completed his “Duty to God” requirement. Although receiving a religious emblem in their religious affiliation is not a requirement for Scouts BSA, it is certainly a thought-provoking way for them to perform “Duty to God”.

Chart of Scouts BSA Catholic Religious Medals


Scouts BSA


Light of Christ The purpose is to help the Cub Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With the parents' active assistance and participation in this program, it is hoped that the Cub will come to see Jesus as a real person and his friend.
6-7 years old Cub Scouts  - The cost of this medal is $20.00. Checks should be made out to “Boston Catholic Committee on Scouting”.


Parvuli Dei  The purpose of the Parvuli Dei (Children of God) emblem is to help young Cub Scouts explore a wide range of activities in order to discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their families and parishes, and also to develop a good, positive self-image through the contributions they can make to the group or community.
8-10 years old Cub Scouts  - The cost of this medal is $20.00. Checks should be made out to “Boston Catholic Committee on Scouting”.


Ad Altare Dei:  The purpose of the Ad Altare Dei (to the altar of God) program is to help Catholic Youth of the Roman Rite develop a fully Christian way of life in the faith community. The program is organized in chapters based on the seven sacraments. The seven Sacraments are a primary means toward spiritual growth. Designed for any youth of the Roman Catholic Faith who is registered in a Scouts BSA Troop or Venturing Crew.  The cost of this medal is $20.00. Checks should be made out to “Boston Catholic Committee on Scouting”.


  • Frank West:

  • Kate Anderson:

  • Marie Erwin:

Pope Pius XII: Pope Pius XII is Catholic Scouting's church-related ministries and vocation program.

  • The program deals with different life choices (single, married, religious, ordained), occupations and ministries in the church as calls from God.

  • It includes youth led discussions on current issues facing the church and society, which are normally included as part of a Pius XII retreat or day of recollection.
    Designed for Venturing Crew Members and Scouts BSA 15 years old and older.

    The cost of this medal is $20.00. Checks should be made out to “Boston Catholic Committee on Scouting”.


  • Kate Anderson:

  • Marie Erwin:

Workbooks for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Crew members and qualified emblem counselors can be purchased at your local scout store or online at Some books are available at the training sessions.

The Cub Scout medals are available only through contacting Lorraine Corbeil by email at Lorraine will provide you directions to complete the process. For all other Scouts BSA medals work with your medal facilitator.


Girl Scout Religious Programs

Girl Scouts


God is Love: The God Is Love program is designed for use with students who are in kindergarten through first grade. The program helps students discover an appreciation that God created, cares for, and loves us all. 

Family of God: Family of God is designed for youth in grades 2-3 who are enrolled in the Girl Scouts, Camp Fire, and other Catholic youth organizations. The program helps girls discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their family and parish. A leader’s guide is included. 

I Live My Faith:  I Live My Faith is designed for youth in grades 4-5. The program is designed around the themes of belief, sacraments, Catholic Christian living, and prayer. As the girls work through the program, they will reflect on what we believe as Catholics, how we celebrate those beliefs through sacraments, and how prayer fits into our lives. A leader’s guide is included. 

Mary the First Disciple: Mary, the First Disciple is designed for youth in grades 6-8. The program helps them learn more about Mary, and more about themselves. Girls will meet Mary in Scripture as a young teenager, follow her journeys, and watch her grow into the woman known as the Mother of God. Through interviews, role-plays, service projects, reflection questions, and prayer the program will help girls also learn more about themselves.   

The Spirit Alive: The Spirit Alive is intended for youth in grades 9-10. The program assists them in discovering how the Holy Spirit moves in their lives, calling them to greater participation in the Church’s ministry.

Missio: The program invites young people in grades 11-12 to explore discipleship and their own religious identity. Missio was jointly created by the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States and the NFCYM.  

For any Girl Scout Programs, please contact one of the following:

  • Peg Juppe:

  • Marie Erwin:

Workbooks for Girl Scouts can be purchased online by visiting NFCYM or by emailing Marie Erwin or Peg Juppe. To order medals, reach out to Marie Erwin or Peg Juppe for instructions for submitting the completed workbook pages and payments. The cost of the medals is $15.00 each. Checks should be made out to “Boston Catholic Committee on Scouting”.


Pillars of Faith

Pillars of Faith Award

Pillars of Faith Award

The purpose of the Pillars of Faith program is to provide a special recognition to those youth in Scouting who have earned all four of the traditional Catholic Religious Awards. Very few Scouts earn the top award of their program and even fewer earn a Religious Award from their faith. So to earn all four Religious Awards is a monumental feat and demonstrates tremendous commitment to their Catholic Faith. The Pillars of Faith Program ("Service to God" for girls and "Duty to God" for boys) recognizes these Scouts.

The name and design of the award represent the fact that the four traditional Religious Awards for each program are like pillars, supporting the Scouts' development in and appreciation of their religious faith. The Religious Awards are the pillars, not the roof, for none are ever done growing in their faith. The design also includes the Church, the Bible, the Cross, other essential elements in faith. 


  • Scouts must have completed Light of Christ, Parvuli Dei, Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII and be a member of any organization that uses these emblems.

  • Girls must have completed Family of God, I Live My Faith, Marian Medal, and Spirit Alive and be a member of any organization that uses these awards.

Presentation of the Pillars of Faith Award and Pin

This award should be presented as the highest religious recognition that Scouts can achieve while they are on the Scouting Trail. The Pillars of Faith pin should be presented in a formal Awards Mass or appropriate formal ceremony (preferably by the Bishop, Priest or Pastor). The key is to make the presentation very special, so the youth understands the magnitude of their accomplishment. Also the recognition should be presented in a timely manner so the youth are recognized shortly after their fourth Religious Award. 


Adult Awards

st george.jpg

Don't forget to recognize the adults for their outstanding contributions to the development of your Catholic Youth Ministry. There are several recognitions available. The Adult Leaders are entitled to wear the Scouting America Adult Religious Knot if they receive the St. George recognition.

  • Bronze Pelican - used to recognize individuals in your local dioceses for their significant contributions.

  • St. George - used to recognize individuals in the dioceses for their significant contributions and many years of support for the Catholic Youth Ministry at the local level.

  • St. Anne - The St. Anne Medal is the highest national recognition for adults who serve Catholic youth through Girl Scouts and Camp Fire. The recognition was inaugurated in 1957. The purposes of the St. Anne recognition are to honor the outstanding services of adults who contribute to the spiritual development of Catholic young people in these organizations and to further Catholic adult leadership in youth ministry through these national youth-serving organizations.

  • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton recognition was inaugurated in 1980 to recognize the meritorious contributions of adults who serve Catholic youth through Girl Scouts and Camp Fire. This medal affirms the work of those who help youth develop their spiritual lives within the context of these organizations. It is ordinarily received before the St. Anne Medal is earned but is not a requirement for receiving the St. Anne Medal.